Monday, 27 October 2008

Blog Question for Week 3

'Describe (using your own words) why IP addresses for device connected to the internet are due to run out shortly and propose what possible solutions have been put forward to address this massive 'time-bomb'.

IP addresses for device connected to the internet are due to run out shortly because of the increasing number of applications on the internet and also because of the number of new internet users in China and India which has led to increase in the IP usage . The current IP addresses are in a format known as IPv4 which are made up of four integers these are between 0 and 225. This is not enough to address the internet use for the new Asian growth and also the current IP address IPv4 is not enough for the increase number of internet access usage on computers and on internet mobile devices.

The possible solution that have been put forward to address this massive 'time-bomb' is to push people towards the internet protocol version 6, which uses six integers known as IPv6 as this internet protocol would make the use of 'almost unlimited' number of web addresses.


Action needed as IP addresses run out [Viewed: 27/10/08]

IP addresses shortly to run out [Viewed: 27/10/08]

Ablog- Are we running out of IP addresses [Viewed: 27/10/08]

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